Join us for a 14 day FREE trial in transforming your Dog’s behaviour! 


Puppy and Friends Academy

Training & Behaviour Programme!


Puppy and Friends Academy

Our Training & Behaviour Online programme has been created to help dog owners achieve their training goals…

Whether that be for: 


Puppy Training 

Jumping up

Settling in public or at home

Loose leash walking 


Basic obedience 

Advanced obedience 

Impulse control training 

Scent training 

Gun dog training 

Plus new courses are added monthly! 

With our 14 day free trial you can deep dive into accessing help for all things training and behaviour from our Award Winning Dog Trainers.

How it works: 

Sign up with your email, by clicking the link below.

Join weekly training classes via zoom 

Access to our weekly support clinic with our Head and Senior Trainers. 

Access to 10+ in depth courses and 200+ video tutorials to help support you along your training journey. Unlock courses as you go!

Trainer Guru, receive training help anywhere with our instant access online Trainer guru 

Downloadable resources to help keep you on track 

Discount to major dog brands 

Discount to our future courses. 

Facebook support group 

Training plans and mentoring support 

Plus, gain accreditation through our Excellent Dog Awards Programme (EDC) from Bronze to Gold Awards.

After your 14 day free trial you can either continue on a monthly subscription of £38 or cancel


Training Trackers 

Rosettes (EDC) 

Online Video submissions 


Online Facebook group

WhatsApp support 

Weekly zoom calls 

Jump No More Course

Transform your Dog's behaviour with our No Jumping Up Course!

Reliable Recall Course

Transform your Dog's recall in less than 30 days!

Loose Leash Walking Course

Transform your Dog's walks with our easy to follow loose leash walking course!

Start your 14 day FREE trial!

You can cancel at anytime - No strings attached!

Become a member by selecting a membership tier below.



Training & Behaviour Programme



billed monthly

Start free trial

£38/month after 14 day trial

courses icon

8 courses